TSC States of Consciousness


  1. The concept of dual processing – processing information on both conscious and unconscious levels of our mind is very interesting to me because multitasking is so unconscious but there is so much that goes on.
  2. The concept of inattentional blindness and changed blindness. It is interesting that you can look at something, and not even notice what you are looking for. As a person, we don’t notice changes if we are focused somewhere else.
  3. In every sense, our body uses selective attention which is very interesting because it is completely unconscious.


After many researching about selective attention, that is definitely a concept that I square with. Like  I previously said, it is amazing that we are focusing in on something, but at the same time there is something that is moving or moving that we can see, but chose not to notice it.


A question that I still have, but have solved since then was the “Mind-Body Dualism.” We think that mind and body are working together, and in a lot of ways they do, but I was confused as to how they are separate. It got me thinking, and it makes me realize that sometimes people say “my heart tells me this but my head tells me this.” This makes me realize that your mind and body do in fact feel two different ways and it is how you handle the situation.


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